CrowdStrike Adversary Quest CTF

Overview I recently took part in the Adversary Quest CTF. I utimately got stopped at 5/12 challenges. Thanks to CrowdStrike for an awesome CTF and I look forward to completing it next year. Below are writeups for some of the challenges I was able to complete. I'm excluding The Proclamation from a writeup as this was my solution- this was a very cool challenge so I'm going to refer you to @Vinopaljiri's excellent writeup.
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Json To Org-Mode Table

As part of the Emacs minor mode I'm working on I've created a useful function to turn json into Org tables while maintaining the linkage of nested structures. The is cleverly named json-to-org-table. Why? Json is a great format for programming and parsing structures but a less good language for human consumption. I created this tool so I could interact with APIs and have a human readable format (and one that exports nicely too!
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Elfeed Rules!

I recently got the question- "What is the use case for elfeed?". When I get a chance to talk about my favorite software I will NEVER pass up that opportunity. Elfeed is a RSS feed reader for Emacs that I use daily and it solves a lot of problems for me. To understand how this works let's start by looking at a snippet of my feeds config. Elfeed feeds is just a list of lists where each feed is represented by (url tag1 tag2 tagN) .
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No More Lock-in

decoupling the address from the service I’ve been using gmail since it was an invite only beta. My email address has accumulated so much garbage over the years and finding important emails has become almost as difficult as determining important calls. I recently switched to Protonmail due to privacy concerns with Google’s monopoly on data. I had hoped I could use this transition to slowly shift important emails to a new address.
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