Org Mode Insert Table Reference

Emacs Org-Mode tables are very powerful. The formula editor can execute elisp commands which makes for a really powerful spreadsheet editor (especially when combined with org-sbe). One big limitation I've faced is multi-line content. To solve this I've created a simple function to wrap around results of some elisp block to always return the most useful data. (org-table-create-and-insert-reference "hello") -> "hello" (org-table-create-and-insert-reference "") -> "nil" (org-table-create-and-insert-reference nil) -> "nil"
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Json To Org-Mode Table

As part of the Emacs minor mode I'm working on I've created a useful function to turn json into Org tables while maintaining the linkage of nested structures. The is cleverly named json-to-org-table. Why? Json is a great format for programming and parsing structures but a less good language for human consumption. I created this tool so I could interact with APIs and have a human readable format (and one that exports nicely too!
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Using Org-Mode to Manage Configs

I've just started to use Org-Mode as a way to manage my configs. Previously I've kept my configs in a git repo and just had a post-install script to put all the configs in the right place. For now, I'm testing using Org-Mode for this purpose and I think I like the results. I have a file that is arranged something like this: #+TITLE: Configs - Tangle a single block with =C-u C-c C-v t= - Tangle all blocks with =C-v C-c t= #+name: secret #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var name="", fld="" (if (string-equal fld "password") (password-store-get name) (password-store-get-field name fld)) #+end_src * tmux #+begin_src bash :noweb tangle :tangle ~/.
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Elfeed Rules!

I recently got the question- "What is the use case for elfeed?". When I get a chance to talk about my favorite software I will NEVER pass up that opportunity. Elfeed is a RSS feed reader for Emacs that I use daily and it solves a lot of problems for me. To understand how this works let's start by looking at a snippet of my feeds config. Elfeed feeds is just a list of lists where each feed is represented by (url tag1 tag2 tagN) .
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