Installing Komplete in Wine to use with the AWESOME tool yabridge has a big pain point

The .iso applications will not install because they do not mount correctly

The fix here is fine but there's one gotcha:

The documentation says that you should take two steps to install the packages with wine:

udisksctl loop-setup -f ~/Downloads/<filename>.iso # load the .iso file
udisksctl mount -t udf -o unhide -b /dev/loopX # where /dev/loopX corresponds to the loop device printed by the loop-setup

The problem is that in Fedora 39 once you create the loop device it will automount.

This needs to be temporarily disabled otherwise it will not mount with the correct option:

(re-enable by changing the false to true and rerunning)

gsettings set automount false
gsettings set automount-open false 
systemctl restart gdm.service

then you should be able to install the plugins.

It would also be very tedious to do this for all the packages in Komplete- I made a little helper script which can be used to speed up this process:

# Mounts a native ISO file to a loop device

DEVICE=$(udisksctl loop-setup -f $1 | grep -E -o "/dev/loop[0-9]{1,3}")

echo "Mounted: $DEVICE"

MOUNT=$(udisksctl mount -t udf -o unhide -b $DEVICE | grep -E -o "/run/media/.*")

xdg-open "$MOUNT"

echo "Press enter when you're done installing"


umount "$MOUNT"

udisksctl loop-delete -b "$DEVICE"

echo "Delete the file?"

read -p "y/n: " -n 1 -r

if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
	rm $1

Save this to a file ( and run chmod +x

Run this like : ./ ~/Downloads/<NotInstalledVST>.iso

This will:

  1. Mount the file with the correct options
  2. Open the directory for you and wait for you to finish installing
  3. Unmount everything
  4. Prompt to delete the iso